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Module „HACCP-Export“

All known hazards for the selected articles (food, feed or food contact materials) are summarized and displayed in a table for an HACCP export on the basis of all notifications available in the database.

For the HACCP export, the articles can be recorded in groups depending on the company-specific requirements, so that a larger number of articles can be recorded and evaluated during an HACCP export.

In addition to the known hazards, the countries of origin are also specified in the table. The known hazards are assigned to a risk class (A1-E5). In addition, the individual measures to control these hazard(s) can be entered in the same way as for Codex Alimentarius HACCP.

A four-point recommendation list (figure 7) provides possible instructions for action.

Risk level Preferred instructions
A1, A2, A3, A4
B1, B2, B3
C1, C2
Level 1
The identified hazards are defined in the agreement / specification and must be excluded from the subcontractor in writing, so do not enter the hazard.
Level 2
In addition to the agreement / specification requires the supplier for the goods delivered a certificate of analysis by an accredited laboratory to send it in confirming the adherence to the specified hazards or excluded.
C4, C5
D3, D4
E2, E3
Level 3
In addition to confirm the information in stage 2, the supplier that this raw material / product does not come from the concerned country.
E4, E5
Level 4
In addition to the steps 2 and 3, after delivery of the raw material sampled and analyzed this fixed in relation to the hazard (s) in an accredited laboratory. The release of the raw material (food), done only once the analysis results as a positive release. Those suppliers are audited within a specified timeframe (e.g. supplier audits).
Figure 7: recommendation list
Figure 7
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