Number "_JRC 2024_05.09
Type of message alert
Date of first message 06.05.2024
Announcement was made by Australia (AU)
Description Researchers evaluated the level of mislabelling in products from seafood suppliers across Australia. By using sequence data from the cytochrome oxidase subunit one gene (COI) and the 12S mitochondrial RNA gene (12S), they discovered that 70% (64/91) of fish fillet samples were replaced with shark meat, including threatened species. Takeaways showed the highest mislabelling rate.
Product category fish and fish products
Article fishery products
Hazard adulteration, tampering
Country of origin Australia
Distribution Australia
Quantity (market) No data available
Investigation results No data available
Remarks food fraud notification from the monthly summary of articles on food Fraud and Adulteration

An evaluation is only possible for Safefood-Online customers

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